Project: New USA Embassy Compound: Lomé, Togo

Client: B.L. Harbert International 

Scope of Work:

Design and construction of the new U.S. Embassy Compound in Lome, Togo, consisted of the following facilities: A four level Chancery building of 71,000 sf with offices for U.S. diplomatic staff, a two story Marine Security Guard Quarters (MSGQ) of 8,300 sf with housing for embassy Marine Security Guards, a single story General Services Office (GSO) building of 11,700 sf with offices for embassy support personnel, a single story Warehouse building of 9,700 sf for material and equipment storage, and a single story Utility building of 6,100 sf to support site utilities (electrical power transformation and generation, HVAC chilled water, fire and domestic water treatment). All buildings are reinforced concrete structures with ballistics rated walls, glazing, doors, and roof decks. Air conditioning system is chem/bio protected. The site area is approximately 10 acres.