Project: New USA Embassy Compound; Accra, Ghana

Client: B.L. Harbert International 

Scope of Work:

The project encompassed 12.5 acres of land in the residential neighborhood of Cantonments. The project was a complete design- build including demolition, asbestos abatement, and local road closure. Inside the new state-of-the-art facility is a new utility building which creates a completely self-contained environment for the Embassy including waste water treatment, power plant, water storage, water filtration, chilled water supply and telecommunications. A new General Services Office and Warehouse services all of the physical needs of the main Chancery and a new seven-room Marine Security Guard Quarters houses the U.S. Marines. The total area of the building is over 120,000 square feet which includes a cafeteria, theater, medical facility, and a post office. The majority of the building is office space including the consular section and the communications center. Project duration was 30 months.